


American hostages in Iran are released after 444 days in captivity • AIDS begins to be recognized as an epidemic • Pope John Paul II and President Ronald Reagan are wounded in separate assassination attempts • Song Video Killed the Radio Star signals the debut of MTV on cable television • Prince Charles marries Lady Diana on my tenth birthday • My car wins the Cub Scout Pinewood Derby while I am at home, sick




Tiger and Tigger

Prince Charles and Princess Diana are divorced · Twenty year old Tiger Woods begins his meteoric rise to fame and fortune as a professional golfer · Recently singing, “How many brothas fell victim to tha streetz,” Rapper Tupac Shakur is murdered on the streets of Las Vegas · Russian President Boris Yelstin and US President Bill Clinton win reelection in their countries · I take a soul-searching drive around the American Southwest, stopping in two Las Vegases and sitting on the beach of Santa Monica





Scientists announce the cloning of a living animal; the clone is a sheep named Dolly • The passing of the Hale-Bopp comet triggers a cult mass-suicide in San Diego • Princess Diana dies in a car wreck in Paris, turning prying eyes to the world’s Papparazi • New movie Titanic premiers in theaters and wins 12 Academy Awards • I meet a terrific and beautiful woman, Jennifer, on AOL, who later makes my eyes twinkle

1996 · 1998